Karaite Jewish University a Swiss Based Company
Below is the current staff for the new Swiss-based Jewish education company.

Chancellor of the University – Main Instructor of English Courses
Hakham Meir Rekhavi has spent many years studying Torah in both Rabbinate and Karaite settings. His early youth was spent in Rabbinate Yeshiva. He eventually came to know Karaite Judaism and studied under his mentor Hakham Mordecai Alfendari. He currently is the main instructor for the English courses.

Vice-Chancellor and Instructor of English courses
Dr. Moshe Yosef Firrouz is member of the Moetzet Hakhamim (Council of Sages), which is under the auspices of Universal Karaite Judaism (UKJ). This council deals within Israel with many religious issues including kashrut, marriage, divorce, aliyah and conversion as it relates to the Karaite Jews. Hakham Dr. Firrouz has several years of experience working in committee positions with UKJ and affiliated organizations. He is currently employed as a System Engineer and Lab Team Support with the Computer Science Department of Ben-Gurion University in Beer Sheva. He holds degrees in BS in Nuclear Engineering and MS Management & Safety Engineering from Ben-Gurion University. He recieved his Ph.D in Religous studies in 2021.

Dean of Students and Technical Manager – Instructor of English Courses
Gabbai Yohanan Zaqantov encountered Karaite Judaism in 1999. He has an MBA and worked as a professional project manager. He started studying Torah in his late thirties and converted to Karaite Judaism in 2007 with his family. He is currently the Technical Manager and Dean of Students for the Karaite Jewish University. He teaches several lectures in the current course. He made Aliyah to Israel in August of 2018 and currently lives in Beer Sheva with his adult daughter.

Business Manager, Financial Controller
David Rosch is the current business manager for the KJU. He manages the payments of students and business affairs in Europe.