Certificate in Ḳaraite Jewish Studies
Accredited by the Ḳaraite Council of Sages in Israel.
Introduction to the course
A Ḳaraite Council of Sages accredited Certificate in Ḳaraite Jewish Studies. This is a yearlong course designed to familiarize Jews and Gentiles with Ḳaraite Judaism, and to create a greater appreciation amongst Ḳaraite Jews for their Ḳaraite Judaism. The course is prerequisite for all Jews of patrilineal descent who wish to affiliate to Ḳaraite Judaism, and for all Gentiles who desire to convert to Ḳaraite Judaism out of love for the God of Israel, His holy Tora, and His people.
The course covers seven units; six modules and a final essay.
- Fundamentals and Biblical Exegesis
- Purity Part 1 (Kashruth)
- Shabbath
- Calendar
- Purity Part 2
- Righteousness
What do I need?
To successfully complete this course, you will need interest and motivation, maturity of approach and commitment, in order to be able to cope with the objectives of the programme. Since the course is delivered in English you must have a college-level command of the language. You must also be in regular attendance of online classes and participate in the KJU discussion group until the conclusion of the course. Your success upon the course will also depend upon honest communication and an exploration of Judaism shared by students and teachers alike.
How is the course taught?
The course is a distance-learning program extending for the duration of an academic year; therefore, students need to have access to a computer with broadband Internet in order to participate. The course requires a good deal of reading and studying. Most lectures are presented in PDF format, whilst some are presented as live audio sessions held via Zoom, there is also a Facebook group for discussions.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment is by exams and tests. There will be a final essay on an approved topic of your choice.
What does it lead to?
Successful completion of the course can lead to affiliation or conversion to Ḳaraite Judaism via an official Ḳaraite community*.
Course details
Date: Our next course in Ḳaraite Jewish Studies is expected to commence on Sunday 8rd September 2024.
Tuition Fee: CHF 2,250.00# (Swiss Francs)
Payment Plan
As a form of Financial Aid, we offer a payment plan consisting of 9 payments. Initial payment of CHF 500 followed by eight monthly payments of CHF 250.
*KJU makes no representation that a Ḳaraite Beth Din will accept its graduates as converts or affiliates to Ḳaraite Judaism.
#The course fee is CHF 2,500.00, if fees are paid upfront a discount of 10% is granted.
Notice: Only Submit the Application Form and evidence requested for the Course. Please complete the form electronically for legibility.